
Our comprehensive range of vibration testing equipment covers the entire spectrum of vibration test applications with electrodynamic shakers and exciters for modal and structural testing and analysis.
Vibration testing allows you to predict the failure modes of a product or component and monitor their dynamic behavior to improve reliability and in-use performance. From high-force electrodynamic shakers and modal and measurement exciters to power amplifiers and vibration controllers, Brüel & Kjær offers a wide range of vibration test shakers and equipment designed for shock, durability, modal and structural analysis!
Whether you are testing electronic components for mobile phones, components in the automotive industry, or complete satellite systems, Brüel & Kjær vibration testing equipment has you covered from individual products to full vibration tests.
All Vibration testing equipment from Brüel & Kjær can be perfectly combined to ensure the integrity and reliability of your products. From electrodynamic shakers and exciters, linear and digital switching amplifiers to vibration control software and hardware equipment, we provide vibration test equipment and vibration systems, tailored to your needs.

Electrodynamic Shakers / LDS Systems
Electrodynamic LDS Shakers Systems designed for vibration testing devices and materials in any size. With payloads up to 5000 kg (11,023.11 lb) and peak sine forces ranging from 8.9 N (2 lbf) to 289.1 kN (65,000 lbf), our electrodynamic shakers handle anything from a small circuit board to aircraft assemblies.
Our vibration control systems, include hardware vibration controllers and the vibration control software, providing a multi-point control of complex structures – all with an intuitive user interface and easy setup.
With power outputs of up to 280 kVA, our range of energy-efficient switching amplifiers are designed to drive LDS vibration test systems, as well as measurement and modal exciters.
Our modal exciters feature high force-to-weight ratios and have been specifically developed to offer the best possible modal-test performance with minimum setup time.
Our compact and lightweight measurement exciters are ideal for experimental modal analysis, vibration testing of small objects, accelerometer calibration, and mechanical impedance and mobility measurements.