Data Acquisition Instruments

System 7100 Data Acquisition System
This high-performance data acquisition system employs a 24-bit analog-to-digital converter in each sensor channel. Scan rates of up to 2000 updates per second are available for simultaneous reading of all sensor inputs.

System 9000 StrainSmart® Data Acquisition System
This high-speed system for dynamic and transient recording is expandable to 48 channels. Includes twelve strain gage inputs and four customizable inputs per unit, including thermocouples and accelerometers.

System 8000 StrainSmart® Data Acquisition System
This compact, flexible system offers eight programmable channels for strain gages, thermocouples, and voltages. Perfect for small static and quasi-dynamic tests; expandable to 128 channels.

StrainSmart® Data Acquisition Software
This software works seamlessly with our StrainSmart data systems. Quick, easy setup enables highly accurate capture of engineering-unit data.

System 7000 StrainSmart® Data Acquisition System
This data acquisition system, ideal for medium to high channel-count tests, has high density enclosures and is expandable from eight to hundreds of channels. Accepts strain gage, thermocouple, voltage and LVDT inputs.